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    United Arab Emirates

Everything posted by Martin

  1. EDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURA – SOUTĚŽE 1979 - 2010 16. 3. – 30. 4. 2012 S trochou nadsázky by se dalo říci, že práci původem portugalského, ale významem světového architekta Eduardo Souta de Moury v České republice proslavili televizní fotbaloví komentátoři. V roce 2004, kdy se hrálo fotbalové EURO v Portugalsku, patřil de Mourou navržený svatostánek kopané v městečku Braga k velebenějším programovým bodům šampionátu než lecjaký hráč milionové hodnoty. Není to zdaleka jediný kontakt tohoto tvůrce s fotbalem: v souvislosti s jeho loňskou dekorací nejprestižnější architektonickou cenou Pritzker Prize byla zmíněna i de Mourova čerstvá realizace vilového komplexu oslňujícího bílou barvou, již si po něm neobjednal nikdo menší než hvězda portugalského národního týmu a opora slovutného Realu Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo. Vrcholem výstavy bude přednáška Eduardo Souta de Moury v pražské Betlémské kapli v pondělí 30. dubna od 19 hodin. Rezervace na přednášku Eduarda Souta de Moury byla zastavena, kapacita sálu je již naplněna, DĚKUJEME ZA POCHOPENÍ Zájemci, kteří od 17. března do 29. dubna zavítají do pražské Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, se však spíše než na opulentní prezentace de Mourových nejlepších realizací mohou těšit na často skromně pojaté hledání ideje, výrazu, řešení a postupné kroky vedoucí ke konečné podobě stavby. Výstava nese název Soutěže – 1979 – 2010 a představuje 50 soutěžních návrhů mapujících 30 let práce tohoto portugalského architekta a jeho ateliéru. Prezentace vznikla díky úsilí a vytrvalosti de Mourových blízkých spolupracovníků André Campose a Pedra Guedes de Oliveiry. V nápadité, minimalistické kompozici nabízí přes tři stovky skic, detailní projekty nejdůležitějších architektonických soutěží, jichž se de Moura zúčastnil, modely, fotografie, videa, plány a další dokumentaci ilustrující tvůrčí proces. Hodný pozoru je už předmět výstavy – návrhy do architektonických soutěží. Více než polovina z nich byla vyhlášena mimo Portugalsko, většinu však spojuje téma – zadání se týkalo urbanismu či občanské vybavenosti měst či řešení veřejných prostor nebo mobiliáře. V návrzích se prolínají projekty s kulturní, zdravotnickou, sportovní anebo náboženskou funkcí. Početná je taktéž množina projektů souvisejících s architekturou i urbanismem dopravy (železnice, metro, letiště), naopak jen okrajově se de Moura účastnil soutěží na rezidenční nebo hotelové budovy a komplexy. „Výstava tohoto tvůrce, jenž je ve světě té nejlepší architektury ceněn i pro svou pokoru a skromnost, stvrzuje zájem naší galerie o portugalskou architektonickou scénu. Ta patří k evropské špičce, podobně jako Nizozemsko nebo Dánsko,“ říká Dan Merta, šéf Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, a pokračuje: „V De Mourově jazyce architektury lze vystopovat ´hlásky´ jeho učitele Álvaro Sizy.“ Veškeré další informace lze nalézt na www.gjf.cz. Snímky a další podklady jsou ke stažení na http://moura.capsa.cz (login: moura, heslo: moura). Pro české čtenáře je k dispozici i publikace Rozhovory se studenty, kterou před třemi lety vydalo nakladatelství Archa. Dotisk knihy bude v galerii k dostání, stejně jako katalog výstavy a monografické číslo časopisu El Croquis. Na vzpomenuté stavbě fotbalového stadionu v portugalském městě Braga je možné doložit všechny principy de Mourovy práce tak, jak je charakterizuje spolukurátor výstavy André Campos: „Fascinují jej nové způsoby využití starých materiálů, nové výzkumy v oblasti návrhu všemožných nepravidelných, roztříštěných, zakřivených architektonických objemů (…) Jeho architektura vyjadřuje reflexi, kulturu, posedlost specifickými tématy, tvrdou práci a srovnávací analýzu, výpravu za pracemi a teoriemi jiných architektů. Je to, jakoby byl stále v laboratoři a snažil se vyřešit otázky, které si sám klade (…) Řešení projektu je také hra, hádanka, problém, který je třeba vyřešit.“ V případě stadionu v Braze de Moura neváhal strávit delší čas studiem akustiky řeckých amfiteátrů (mezi kopanou a divadlem je mnohem více paralel, než by se mohlo zdát, a i Realu Madrid se přezdívá „Bílý balet“), nechal se inspirovat lanovými lávkami jihoamerických Indiánů, stavbě vtiskl i zneklidňující výraz evokující pohyb zemských desek při zemětřesení. Autor vycházel ostatně z působivého okolí stadionu – bývalého lomu… Zasloužený respekt architektů i klientů a sympatie veřejnosti si de Moura získal i za další své realizace: stanice metra v Portu, červené homole Muzea Pauly Rego v Cascais, konverzi cisterciáckého kláštera Santa Maria do Bouro, rekonstrukci Muzea de Grao Vasco ve Viseu nebo „Cinema House“ režiséra Manoela de Oliveiry v Portu, ale také národní pavilon na EXPO 2000 v Hannoveru nebo pavilon Serpentine Gallery v Londýně v roce 2006 (pavilon v Kesington Gardens má za sebou teprve dvanáctiletou tradici, ale patří mezi nejprestižnější současné architektonické výzvy). Na obou posledních stavbách spolupracoval se svým tutorem Álvarem Sizou. V textu Petra Volfa (Hospodářské noviny 06/2011) jsou naznačeny průsečíky mezi prací Souto de Moury a německým architektem Miese van der Rohe. Hmatatelně vyvstávají v realizaci kancelářské budovy Burgo Tower v jeho rodném Portu. Jak si všímá Petr Volf, portugalský tvůrce na objektu z roku 2006 dosáhl „miesovské“ čistoty a prostoty forem, které otesal až na samou jejich dřeň; horizontální část stavby se v dokonalých proporcích doplňuje s vertikálním proskleným hranolem. Eduardo Souto Moura se narodil v roce 1952, vystudoval architekturu v Portu na ESBAP (Escola Superior de Belas-Artes do Porto/Arquitectura) a již od studií pracoval u dalšího velikána portugalské architektury 20. století Álvara Sizy. Samostatný ateliér si založil hned po absolutoriu, zůstal však zároveň na akademické půdě jako asistent a posléze jako profesor působil na mnoha fakultách architektury po celé Evropě. Aktuálně je to FAUP (Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto). Právě na půdě FAUP byl výstavní projekt Soutěže 1979 – 2010 představen vůbec poprvé. „Někdy téma výstavy ´architektonické soutěže´ může evokovat představu hodnocení obrazu výsledného produktu nebo dokonce převahy konceptu, až čehosi utopického nebo nedosažitelného, něčeho mimo a nad možnosti díla samotného. V mnoha soutěžích se architektonické návrhy jeví jako nehmotné, někdy neschopné poskytnout celkové a podrobné znázornění toho, co je skutečně vyprojektováno,“ uvažuje kurátor André Campos. „Je však užitečné sledovat, do jaké míry existuje pracovní metoda podporující vývoj návrhu - program, materiály, místo, historie, odkazy, skici, modely, přesné výkresy, fotomontáže, fotografie, klient. Zabývá se v podstatě informovanou architekturou vypracovanou s konceptuální přesností, nasazením a zaujetím, podobně jako když vědec hledá řešení.“ Zdroj - Galerie Jaroslava Frágnera
  2. 5/5-10/6 Michael Reynolds / architekt odpadu Michael Reynolds, staví již přes 35 let levné domy ze starých pneumatik, plechovek a plastových lahví. Jeho domy jsou energeticky soběstačné, mají vlastní zdroj vody, tepla i kanalizaci. Reynolds zpočátku při své netradiční architektonické tvorbě narážel v Americe na mnohé byrokratické překážky. Byla mu dokonce na několik let odňata licence architekta. http://www.gjf.cz/pripravujeme.html
  3. One of the attributes of the discipline of architecture which makes it so difficult to master, yet so challenging to explore,is its complexity. It spans millennia and incorporates almost every discipline of human activity. Further differentiations may be based one the regional conditions or by the development of the latest technologies. It can be looked at from the perspective of a student of architecture, a professional architect, of a user, you name it. On Ideon, we have tried to build a tool which would enable us to touch every detail of this vast landscape. It is called the Groups and in the next few lines I would like to introduce it to you in a little more detail. The Ideon's Groups' application allows us to create our own special interest oriented groups. Groups can be further joined by other members and the resulting sub-communities can cover with unique precision the area of our shared interests. The Groups have the ability to cover not only general topics but at the same time topics which have unique niche characters. Let us then consider some examples and how interesting it might be to join groups such as these: Architecture in Bahrain LEEDs Certificate Santini's Baroque Gothic Architecture Marble Flooring MIT Alumni Association Czech Cubism in Architecture Mastering Google SketchUp as you can see, there are no limits... Whether there is an architecture-related topic you have mastered and would love to share with others and to learn, in turn, from them, you should feel free to create your own Group, invite your friends or contacts, post news and initiate discussions. The Group application will provide you with all the necessary background tools needed. In the paragraphs below, let us take a closer look on some of the most important features. Let us start on Ideon's main page which is the first area we come into contact with the Groups application. Groups Tab - provides us with a quick link to the application from the main page New Groups block - the block lists the most recently created Groups My Groups category - after joining your first Group, the Group's discussion will appear at the bottom of the main page for your quick access The Groups main page The main page of the Groups application provides access to the most important areas of the Groups application and from here you can: Create your own Group - by clicking on the Add Group button Search Groups related to your interests Browse the Groups Directory Access the Groups you are subscribed to via the My Groups area Browse the most recently added groups via the Now Groups area Be notified on the most popular Groups The Group detail page Each Group has its own landing page. Its purpose is to provide the information to the Group members as well as to enable authors of the Groups to run their moderation tasks. Being a member you can: Access the Group News Access the Group Discussions See the list of the latest members Share the interesting content via various Social Networks Follow the Group - by doing this you will get notified, at chosen intervals, about any news from within the Group Invite other members and friends to join the Group Being a Group author you can further : Add News on the Group's Wall Manage the Group - adjust the appearance, the logo, the description etc. Mass Contact Group's members Manage the Staff of the Group, assign moderators While we will introduce further the Group applications in several upcoming topics, we hope you find it useful. Should you have any questions regarding its functionality, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Q&A Forum.
  4. The Architectural Events Calendar is a powerful tool designed to manage the collection and distribution of architectural events worldwide amongst all registered members. It is precise in terms on focusing on particular world communities as well as advanced in terms of the notification of new events. In the following lines I will introduce to you its basic functions as well as some advanced tips and tricks. The main page of the Calendar is fairly simple, yet it already offers some interesting functions: Browsing the various months' events as well as calendars dedicated to particular countries Adding calendar events by clicking on the Add Event button Following the Calendar - by clicking on this button you can set the way you wish to be notified on news in the particular Calendar. In case you live in The Czech Republic, by choosing the Czech Republic calendar and clicking on Follow this calendar, you will start being notified on all events being submitted into the calendar. There are several ways of how to be notified on the Calendar events, for the detail settings please go to your profile (Clicking on your name on the black top bar) Your Name > My settings > Notification Options > Events You can also synchronize the calendar with your desktop application such as MS Outlook by clicking the subscibe to this Calendar button at the bottom of the page. All the new events will be automatically saved into a new Outlook calendar and can be further synchronized to your mobile devices. After creating your event or when browsing events of other members you can note several interesting options You can confirm your attendance on the events. This becomes extremely useful when your presence may affect other attendees of the event, such as your friends, colleagues etc. You can comment on the event and fine tune details of the event with other members in a discussion under the event listing. You can further share the event to all major social network. By sharing the event to networks like Facebook or Google+ you may bring it to attention to your friends who may also be interested in joining the event. You can Rate as well as Like the event to provide additional feedback on the event. Liking the event increases the overall reputation of the Event poster which is being recorded in his/her personal profile. The Events can be Followed the same was the Calendar can be. By clicking the Follow this Event button you can choose the ways you should be notified on any changes to it. We believe the Calendar application can become a very useful and powerful tool to all architects and architecture enthusiasts worldwide. Please feel free to use it freely and notify us about the excited upcoming events you are organizing or recommending to others.
  5. The Map of architects and architecture enthusiasts is an additional tool of how to filter contacts best suited to your interests, meet new professionals and/or friends from your own country or countries of your interest. Maybe there are architects in your city you don't know about - why not to say them hi and socialize? The adding of locations to the map is available to all registered members. While logged in you will be able to see the 'Add your Location' button at the top right corner of the map. The address may be generic (e.g. Prague) or exact (Soukenicka 21, Prague). After saving your address details a new flag icon appears on the map indicating your position. You may find three types of flag icons on the map: The blue one indicates your own position, the green one indicates the position of your friends and red indicates the positions of all other users. By clicking on the flag you may get to the personal profile of each member and contact them further via a Personal Message. Your position on the map appears on your personal profile page and can be changed or deleted at any time. We hope you will find this application useful
  6. How enriching would it be for us architects if there were a place where everyone could upload their own photographs of the most interesting architecture from his town or country, or perhaps upload his/her own university projects he was so proud of at the time of their design while today they don't mean more than just a memory? The Gallery of World's Architecture is intended to be such a place. It enables all registered members to upload their own photographs, renderings and presentations. Once uploaded, they can be further rated and commented on by others as well as shared with the most popular social networks. At present the Gallery consists of four Global Albums and these are, at the same time, the best place to start when browsing / uploading into the Gallery. Please note a few remarks pertaining to each: World Architecture The album is intended for the uploading of the most interesting or most representative buildings from your locality. When uploading, please always think of other members who will be browsing them. Think of how interesting the photos / projects will be for them and select the photographs carefully When uploading please make sure you are the owner of the photograph. Make sure the photograph is technically correct and when creating an album for a specific building, if possible, please make sure you upload photographs introducing the best various aspects of the building. You can share a photograph showing the wider relation followed by a global photo ending with a photograph of a detail, texture etc. Try to avoid photographs providing the same message. When filling the upload form please make sure all fields such as 'title', 'description', 'tags', 'copyright' are filled, they are important for others to understand and learn more about the building. If your photographs include a GPS stamp in their EXIF header, the location from which the photographs have been taken will appear next to the photograph on a map. Students' Projects Whether an architecture student or an ex-student, this place may be a great place for the presentation of your work. Please feel free to upload your own works; the whole presentations including panel boards, photographs of models, renderings. Please make sure that you create a separate album for each of your projects in an adequate category (e.g. Urban Design, Interior Design etc.) Please make sure you are uploading the most interesting of your works. They should be well presented and interesting or innovative in some way to others. Feel free to comment on the projects of others, initiate discussion, express your opinions, share your ideas because your unique points of view are always precious and enriching When filling the upload form, please make sure all fields such as 'title', 'description', 'tags', 'copyright' are filled as they are important for others to understand and learn more about your project. Events This is an album for the photographs of major architectural events worldwide such as major architectural exhibitions, lectures by the key architects etc. When filling the upload form please make sure all fields such as 'title', 'description', 'tags', 'copyright' are filled because they are important for others to understand and learn more about the event.. Architectural Photography Unlike the album World Architecture (which is intended for the documentary photography of architecture) this album represents the discipline of abstract architectural photography, It isn't important which project has been depicted. It can be very abstract and is intended to evoke feelings and emotions. While the album World Architecture is mostly the domain of architects, this album will probably be of more interest to professional photographers. Again, please upload only the best of your work, the snaps you are proud of which will enrich our site and will represent your work in the best way. As with all the above albums, please don't forget to provide the complete annotation of your photographs After finishing your Upload our editors will review your photographs and approve those deemed suitable to be saved into the Gallery and presented to others. This process may take several days. The Architectural Gallery is the key visual element of Ideon.cz and we are really excited at the prospect of seeing it grow. We hope you find it useful and thank you for sharing your unique experiences with us.
  7. Martin


    Welcome to the online international community of architects, architecture enthusiasts and fans. At the time of its founding by a Czech architecture student, Martin Sviták, in 2001, the mission of Ideon.cz was to provide a missing platform for architects and architecture students worldwide to share and benefit from the sharing their unique architectural experiences - a platform without editors where all users were equal and where everyone could equally benefit from participating on the project. Growing from this definition, Ideon has now become a true live environment, changing and growing from minute to minute as members from all over the world have been sculpting it dynamically in real time. If architecture is your passion, please feel free to join our online community as there is much that can be shared. The complexity of the profession of an architect is covered by several dynamic modules and all of them can be interacted with freely by registered members: Forums - Starting topics, replying to existing ones, advance notification options, quoting, voting, tagging, searching, media attachments. Groups - Creation and moderation of your own group regarding your particular topic, niche, sub-community, joining other's groups. Private Messages - Private conversations with your contacts including conference messaging with several members at the same time. - Uploading of copyrighted photographs of buildings from all over the world, creation of your own albums, presention your own projects, voting, commenting, exposition to general public Blogs - Blogging about any architecture-related topics, commenting, rating, sharing. Chat - Chat live with your friends and other members - Post upcoming events you think other members should know about Members - Search through our members' list to learn more about people with similar origins or interests - Share your location on the world map and locate new friends and partners Personal Profile - Fill in all data you wish others know about you, add your website, say something about yourself Vacancies - Updated channel of worldwide architecture-related vacancies. Facebook - Log in with Facebook and share on Facebook any of your favourite content on Ideon.cz We are looking forward to hearing from you soon, On behalf of Ideon.cz, Martin Sviták
  8. Martin

    Villa - Anse Major

    Villa near the Anse Major beach on the Mahé Island, Seychelles
  9. From the album: The Bahrain World Trade Centre

    © Martin Sviták

  10. Martin

    Villa in Seef

    Twin villa in Seaf Area
  11. Martin

    Villas in Seef

    From the album: Villa in Seef

    Two villas in the Seef seashore facing the Bahrain Fort.

    © Martin Sviták

  12. Martin

    Villas in Seef

    From the album: Villa in Seef

    Two villas in the Seef seashore facing the Bahrain Fort.

    © Martin Sviták

  13. Martin

    Villas in Seef

    From the album: Villa in Seef

    Two villas in the Seef seashore facing the Bahrain Fort.

    © Martin Sviták

  14. Martin

    Villas in Seef

    From the album: Villa in Seef

    Two villas in the Seef seashore facing the Bahrain Fort.

    © Martin Sviták

  15. Martin

    Hluboká nad Vltavou

  16. Martin

    The Winter Garden

    From the album: Hluboká nad Vltavou

    The original royal castle of Přemysl Otakar II from the second half of the 13th century was rebuilt at the end of the 16th century by the Lords of Hradec. It received its present appearance under Count Jan Adam of Schwarzenberg. According to the English Windsor example, architects F. Beer and F. Deworetzky built a Romantic Neo-Gothic chateau, surrounded by a 1.9 square kilometres (0.73 sq mi) English park here in the years 1841 to 1871. In 1940, the castle was seized from the last owner, Adolph Schwarzenberg by the Gestapo and confiscated by the government of Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII. The castle is opened to public. More on Wikipedia.

    © Martin Svitak

  17. Martin

    Hluboka Chateau

    From the album: Hluboká nad Vltavou

    The original royal castle of Přemysl Otakar II from the second half of the 13th century was rebuilt at the end of the 16th century by the Lords of Hradec. It received its present appearance under Count Jan Adam of Schwarzenberg. According to the English Windsor example, architects F. Beer and F. Deworetzky built a Romantic Neo-Gothic chateau, surrounded by a 1.9 square kilometres (0.73 sq mi) English park here in the years 1841 to 1871. In 1940, the castle was seized from the last owner, Adolph Schwarzenberg by the Gestapo and confiscated by the government of Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII. The castle is opened to public. More on Wikipedia.

    © Martin Svitak

  18. Martin

    Hluboka Chateau

    From the album: Hluboká nad Vltavou

    The original royal castle of Přemysl Otakar II from the second half of the 13th century was rebuilt at the end of the 16th century by the Lords of Hradec. It received its present appearance under Count Jan Adam of Schwarzenberg. According to the English Windsor example, architects F. Beer and F. Deworetzky built a Romantic Neo-Gothic chateau, surrounded by a 1.9 square kilometres (0.73 sq mi) English park here in the years 1841 to 1871. In 1940, the castle was seized from the last owner, Adolph Schwarzenberg by the Gestapo and confiscated by the government of Czechoslovakia after the end of WWII. The castle is opened to public. More on Wikipedia.

    © Martin Svitak

  19. Martin

    Business Bay Metro Station

    The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. At 75 km, the Dubai Metro is frequently cited as the world's longest fully automated metro network.
  20. Martin

    External Elevation

    From the album: Business Bay Metro Station

    The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. At 75 km, the Dubai Metro is frequently cited as the world's longest fully automated metro network.

    © Martin Svitak

  21. Martin

    External Elevation

    From the album: Business Bay Metro Station

    The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. At 75 km, the Dubai Metro is frequently cited as the world's longest fully automated metro network.

    © Martin Svitak

  22. Martin

    Phacade Details

    From the album: Business Bay Metro Station

    The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. At 75 km, the Dubai Metro is frequently cited as the world's longest fully automated metro network.

    © Martin Svitak

  23. Martin

    Phacade Details

    From the album: Business Bay Metro Station

    The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. At 75 km, the Dubai Metro is frequently cited as the world's longest fully automated metro network.

    © Martin Svitak

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