Contemporary Norwegian Architecture
12 April 2012 - 15 June 2012
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Gallery Two and Florence Hall, RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD
Landscape and Intervention by Reiulf Ramstad and Jensen & Skodvin
Reiulf Ramstad Architects and Jensen & Skodvin Architects are two of the most high-profile and innovative practices based in Norway.
This exhibition explores their work, through a unique collection of richly detailed models and images, highlighting rural contemporary Norwegian architecture through the National Tourist Routes scheme and more.
A selection of Tourist Routes projects - completed across the country - are displayed by each practice, in addition to a range of other buildings that have been undertaken, including housing and public works.
Free admission
Admission to all RIBA exhibitions is free. Galleries at 66 Portland Place are open Monday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm; and until 10pm on Tuesday.
Please note, galleries may be closed early for special events. Call +44 (0)20 7307 3888 to check opening times.
5/5-10/6 Michael Reynolds / architekt odpadu Michael Reynolds, staví již přes 35 let levné domy ze starých pneumatik, plechovek a plastových lahví. Jeho domy jsou energeticky soběstačné, mají vlastní zdroj vody, tepla i kanalizaci. Reynolds zpočátku při své netradiční architektonické tvorbě narážel v Americe na mnohé byrokratické překážky. Byla mu dokonce na několik let odňata licence architekta.