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Competition / Reshape 15 | Wearable Technology Competition / Camera di Commercio Frosinone; Aspiin


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In the digital landscape a new reality has started to shine by itself: the ubiquitous computing. A concept that is burying the common idea of machine and completely altering the role computers play nowadays. In this computational narrative, the challenge is no longer to add a new digital object to our list of tools, but to dote faculty of processing data to our domestic elements. 

In this regard, and unlike the desktop computation, ubiquitous computing propose natural and constant interaction among users and environment, extending its influence in all fields of human phenomena, even in the one more domestic and primary: our body.In this context, disciplines as programming and electronics become highly interconnected, blurring old boundaries and merging different fields of knowledge. Fashion has been already affected by this radical change. Therefore, clothes, shoes and other accessories can now incorporate elements of hardware and software, generating a peculiar mix between fashion and computation that is incredibly fertile and inspiring. Data becomes Beauty, Interaction becomes Emotion. As a result, a new aesthetic is emerging. Reshape focus on the definition of this language, proposing a new challenge to makers and designers: RESHAPE15 | WEarable technology competition. 

Proposals will focus on the possibilities of wearable technology without any design limitation. Once again Reshape leaves to designers freedom and responsibility of their own choices. Nonetheless, all submission must reflect the mission of Reshape: merging ideas with fabrication processes and market viabilities. Fabrication strategies must be clear and reasonable, demonstrating a real control of the production process. The distributed network of fabrication of Reshape includes Fab Labs and Maker Space, all equipped with digital fabrication machines such as laser cutters, 3d printers, milling machines and robotics arms. Entries are required to rely on those machines as main tools for the fabrication process. Assembly method and production costs will also be taken into consideration in the evaluation process. 

All winner proposals will be awarded according to the prize pool. In addition to the economical prize, Reshape offers a unique e-commerce platform * where the best design proposals will be presented and launched into the market. Designers will have then the possibility to sell their own products promoting their design on the international platform of Reshape. 

The total prize is 2700 €, which will be distributed among the first, second and third winner accordingly. 1st prize 1500 €* 2nd prize 700 €* 3rd prize 500 €* All winners will be included in the online platform of RESHAPE. In the website there will be a direct link to each project with information of each designer. Winners selected by the jury will be invited to take part to specific workshops in several Fab Labs connected to the competition. All winner proposals will be presented in different exhibitions around the world. Reshape will offer the following conditions for the projects inserted in the e-commerce platform: for each product sold, royalties of 80% from income of sale will be recognized to the designer and makers. 

The contest organizer has the right to use the materials submitted for educational and promotional purposes, always quoting the source, without any form of remuneration for the designers. By entering the competition, participants accept all the rules of the present brief. Any infringement will be notified and evaluated by the Reshape jury and organization. Presenting their project proposal, each participant declares that is totally aware and agrees to all the contents of the competition.

Register by: 05-31-2015 / Submit by: 05-31-2015

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